Sunday, August 31, 2008
The one they used
Here is the cartoon they used in Prospect instead of the family one that I stuck on here a couple of posts down. Again, I am going for real simplicity, which gives the cartoon a strong graphic feel. What is weird about this one though, is trying to dress up two trees to make them look like a police officer and a plain clothes detective. I went for a kind of strange semi-jacket body stocking approach. I hope it gives the right visual information without detracting from the joke. The joke, by the way, was inspired by Dexter. Serial killers are kind of in-vogue at the moment, aren't they? Maybe this one can be re-sold to a serial-killer trade magazine. Do they have one? With articles on keeping your bone-saws sharp? Any serial killers out there, let me know.

Saturday, August 30, 2008
Cut 'n' paste
Here's another one I did a few years ago. This is a totally different approach to producing a comic strip - I found an old Dukes of Hazard annual in a charity shop and cut up one of the stories: Hurricane Harry. Then I rearranged it make it complete nonsense. I am particularly proud of the result, I think it worked beautifully. Tried to repeat the trick, but never got it to work as well as this.

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Prospect magazine, in their infinite wisdom, have bought another of my gag cartoons. Unusually though, the editor changed his mind about the one they wanted and took another one instead. Fine by me, he could have changed his mind about using any of them. This is the one they initially wanted. I'll post the other one after it's been published.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
It's science
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Warning: Contains rude words
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Mr Beeching
I used to be a secondary school teacher. So I did a cartoon series about it, 4 or 5 years ago. When I say it was about it, it wasn't really about it. The series was far too surreal to really be about teaching, but it was hellish fun creating it and it actually kept me sane at one of the lowest points of my life, which I won't go into. It was called Mr Beeching's Teachings, and here are a couple of sample strips. Most of them can be seen on the characters page of my website (link on the right).

The best idea I ever had
Last summer there were floods all over england, the worst being in the town of Tewkesbury, so I started thinking about gag cartoons on the subject of floods. I was thinking about ducks, specifically the phrase "Lovely weather for ducks", but nothing was really working. I went out for a run because, for some reason, movement and fresh air tend to clean out my brain-tubes, and it was while running that the idea hit me. Animals in a flood, hippos, bingo! I was so fantastically pleased with it that I cut my run short, went home and drew it straight away. The cartoon is a 'riff' (need a nicer word-can't think of one) on one of the most famous cartoons of all time - Paul Crum's hippos in the water, one saying "I keep thinking it's tuesday". It's strange, surreal, a beautiful idea, way ahead of it's time for 1937. Rightly regarded as one of the defining cartoons of the 20th century and one that helped to shape gag cartooning. Here it is:
Paul Crum
So my idea, as you can see, was a simple word swap. It's allowed! There is a entire genre of gag cartooning that is basically borrowing someone else's cartoon and playing with it. As long it's made obvious, most often with 'apologies to...' written somewhere on the drawing, it is considered a tribute.

Did it get published? Did it bollocks. I wonder if cartoon editors think the idea is too obscure for non cartoon fanatics, or it just isn't as good as I thought at the time. I'm secretly hoping there will be some more floods in Tewkesbury soon so I can send it out again. Apologies if you live there.
Paul Crum
So my idea, as you can see, was a simple word swap. It's allowed! There is a entire genre of gag cartooning that is basically borrowing someone else's cartoon and playing with it. As long it's made obvious, most often with 'apologies to...' written somewhere on the drawing, it is considered a tribute.

Did it get published? Did it bollocks. I wonder if cartoon editors think the idea is too obscure for non cartoon fanatics, or it just isn't as good as I thought at the time. I'm secretly hoping there will be some more floods in Tewkesbury soon so I can send it out again. Apologies if you live there.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Learning a valuable lesson
Since I uploaded this King Monkey strip, which I thought was pretty funny, I have lost 12 email subscribers. 12! I can't afford to lose that many.

In Britain, the wearing of women's clothing is a comedy staple, so I can't quite believe that the addition of a bra would make 12 people cancel their subscription. It's useful, of course, to see in which direction I shouldn't take the strip, but I didn't for a moment think that a Mandrill wearing a bra would be considered unsettling. Perhaps it's because he's a soldier? Or maybe I am making a leap, here. Maybe the 12 just got bored with the strip. I did intentionally write one that I thought would be a little controversial a while ago, but nothing happened. In fact, at the time, I was continuing to pick up email subscribers. Here it is:

(You can see the changes I've made to the artwork in the recent strip at the top here, too). Just goes to show, you can't second-guess your readership.

In Britain, the wearing of women's clothing is a comedy staple, so I can't quite believe that the addition of a bra would make 12 people cancel their subscription. It's useful, of course, to see in which direction I shouldn't take the strip, but I didn't for a moment think that a Mandrill wearing a bra would be considered unsettling. Perhaps it's because he's a soldier? Or maybe I am making a leap, here. Maybe the 12 just got bored with the strip. I did intentionally write one that I thought would be a little controversial a while ago, but nothing happened. In fact, at the time, I was continuing to pick up email subscribers. Here it is:

(You can see the changes I've made to the artwork in the recent strip at the top here, too). Just goes to show, you can't second-guess your readership.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Comic violence
This is an attempt at an ongoing kids comic strip, inspired initially by a typically controversial Johnny Ryan story on his website. The thing is, this introductory episode started off quite nicely, but then I thought, it's about a wrestler, it needs some wrestling in it. So I put in the scene towards the end. Now, I personally think it isn't too violent. There should be violence in comics, it can be funny! But there seems to have been a huge shift towards no violence whatsoever in children's comics (it's fine on TV, however). So is this strip acceptable? That's the question I want answered before I continue with other episodes. (Also-is it any good?)
It would be perfectly acceptable in France, however. Might get it translated.
It would be perfectly acceptable in France, however. Might get it translated.

Thursday, August 7, 2008
Michael Kupperman
I've just found out on the fantagraphics website the magical news that Michael Kupperman has finally produced the fourth 'Tales Designed to Thrizzle' comic. He is quite simply the funniest cartoonist I have ever read. Buy it.
Tales Designed to Thrizzle #4
Tales Designed to Thrizzle #4
King Monkey
Here is little look at my recently re-designed newspaper strip, 'King Monkey', a doomed-to-fail attempt at newspaper syndication. You never know, though, I could strike it lucky. You need a bit of blind hope to be a a cartoonist. The problem for me is that there have been some terrible strips picked up for syndication in the recent past so I am clearly no judge of the qualities that a strip should have, which I always thought was to be funny, original and have good characters. The strip goes out three times a week on comicssherpa.com and is about two monkeys who work for a deranged, megalomaniac king. The stars of the strip are a green monkey who is a rectangle shape and is stupid. A blue sausage-shaped monkey who is even more stupid and the red king who is the stupidest of all. They don't have names, why should they? There's also other monkeys that appear from time to time, including the Monkey Pope!
Read this teaser from the current storyline and if you like it click on the link on the right to read a whole lot more (about 50 episodes so far). If you think it's good, get other people to read it and send me some feedback!
Read this teaser from the current storyline and if you like it click on the link on the right to read a whole lot more (about 50 episodes so far). If you think it's good, get other people to read it and send me some feedback!

Sunday, August 3, 2008
In Prospect
These are the first two cartoons I've had published in Prospect Magazine. I've been experimenting with drawing objects in grey with no outlines, and I'm pleased that Prospect picked up two of the ones that I've done that with. I'm pretty satisfied with the result. The idea is basically a steal from 50's modernist cartoons and particularly from some re-released children's books from the 50's and 60's that I've been flicking through in Gosh! comics. I like the two characters in this, an evil, skeletal boss and a grinning fool. The name Simmons is the surname of my good pal Tim, who looks nothing like the drawing.

I'm always trying to simplify my cartoons and see what I can do with limited elements. I'm not quite brave enough to go down a Charles Barsotti super-simplified route yet. Maybe I will end up as a sort of Dick Bruna of gags. Only hugely less successful.
This next one features a stalactite as a character. I love cartoons with absurd inanimate objects as the protagonists, and this is my third idea using a stalactite, the first to be published. The idea is at once original and clichéd - A stalactite on a psychiatrist's couch. I'm not that happy with the structure of the drawing, but there you go. Can't change it now.

I'm always trying to simplify my cartoons and see what I can do with limited elements. I'm not quite brave enough to go down a Charles Barsotti super-simplified route yet. Maybe I will end up as a sort of Dick Bruna of gags. Only hugely less successful.
This next one features a stalactite as a character. I love cartoons with absurd inanimate objects as the protagonists, and this is my third idea using a stalactite, the first to be published. The idea is at once original and clichéd - A stalactite on a psychiatrist's couch. I'm not that happy with the structure of the drawing, but there you go. Can't change it now.

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