Reverie is setting in...I started a comic at school with my friends Daniel Cole and Andrew Nowell called Meep! (Dan's idea-never happy with the name). It was a brilliant thing to have done and I am proud of the effort we put in. We photocopied it and handed it out to our friends. Then big school came along and comics were no longer a thing to do-nerdy. Dan and Andy no longer drew them, but I did. I have no idea why I had such a passion compared to my peers, but here I am, 24 or so years later doing it for real.
Here's an uncoloured panel from a Nuke I am currently drawing. He meets Houdini, although this panel is a bit of a red herring.
Please buy The Dandy! It's only £1.50 and it's well worth it. For Nuke, for the brilliant strips by Jamie Smart and Wilbur Dawbarn, Andy Fanton and all the others. It's like watching an old episode of Thundercats. You wonder why you ever stopped.